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Inclusive Classrooms

Data Collection & Graphical Data Representation

The Inclusive Classrooms site on a questionnaire page

Project: Skills Wheel

Problem Overview

Inclusive Classrooms is a non-profit helping teaching assistants (TAs) monitor kids’ social aptitudes and progression.
Before we came in, the teachers filled in 'skills wheels' manually and data was manually inputted into spreadsheets - so our task was to make the process digital, with an output that would make life easier for people analysing the results. (Lightening the load for good causes is what we live for!)


We had to think hard about designing a system that involved a simple and friendly questionnaire, super simple data collection & storage, and easy-to-use analysis tools on a very small budget.
We problem-solved together to find the simplest possible MVP: design, a simple data entry form and drawing the ‘skills wheel’, a visual representation of the data for the TA.
When a second round of funding came in a year later we sat together to workshop what the evolution of the application could be, both in terms of design and features (logging in, historical skills wheels, admin dashboard) based on a year’s worth of usage by TAs.


Others can reinvent the wheel, especially with time a factor: dwyl has a wealth of open source work to draw on, so that’s where we started.
Using a tutorial we’d written previously, we quickly developed a solution for saving data not just to our database (for future use) but directly into a Google spreadsheet for access until there was time and funding for an admin dashboard.
We used D3.js to create engaging “skills wheels” - visual representations of the data both current and historical, and everything else was done with our Elixir stack. We added PDFs for download and an admin dashboard to allow specific school domains to be granted access to the application and TAs to manage their students & groups.

Key Functionality


Javascript D3 Node Elixir Phoenix Redis Postgres wkhtmltopdf Heroku

Project Length

6 Weeks
Feb 2016 - Feb 2016 (Sprint 1)
Mar 2017 - Mar 2017 (Sprint 2 - 3)*
* Additional sprints are commissioned to build further functionality based on user feedback

Implementation Team

QA Code reviewer
2 Developers
UX/UI Designer
Scrum master



Tel: +44 (0) 7708 796446

Email: [email protected]

Address: dwyl, First Floor,
149 Fonthill Rd,
London, N4 3HF, UK

(We'll get back to you within 24 hours)