Welcome to Our New Site

Find out why we've given our site a fresh new design

29th September 2017 Mark Firth

At dwyl we're often very busy building websites and applications for our clients. A consequence of this is that we don't often get much time to review our own site and further improve upon its design and feel. Currently we go through a new iteration of the site about once a year and this is the product of this year's design changes.

So, what's changed? We've formalised our branding more and taken inspiration from our logo to create a new colour palette. This also features vibrant 'pop' colours that catch the user's eye, as well as a 'call to action' colour that diverts attention to our contact form.

Clients often ask us about our previous work and so with this version of the site we've put more of an emphasis on our portfolio, including a number of case studies of projects we've worked on in the past. We'll continue to add to our portfolio page as clients sign-off on our case study write-ups.

We also now have a dedicated page to our upcoming app, Time. This landing page captures a user's name and email address so that we can begin to build a mailing list for when our product goes live. We'll continue to add to this page as we make the value proposition and features of the product public.

Lastly you'll notice a new blog page, where you found this post. This is the beginning of the new dwyl blog which will cover everything from important news about dwyl, to best practices in product development, to insights from our team of talented developers. We look forward to sharing our blog content with the dwyl community as we already do on a lot of our open source GitHub repositories.

One theme you may have noticed reading this post is that we have intentions to continue to improve and augment the site. This process of agile development and receiving user feedback in order to fuel future development is something we firmly believe in and is a process we bring into all of our projects. This site isn't perfect, but by pushing it out and iterating we hope to build and improve on the priorites our users have. If you have feedback on the site and you'd like us to change or add something you can tell us by creating an issue here or via our contact form below.

Thanks for reading!



Tel: +44 (0) 7708 796446

Email: [email protected]

Address: dwyl, First Floor,
149 Fonthill Rd,
London, N4 3HF, UK

(We'll get back to you within 24 hours)